Latest List (09/02/16) Goblin Cock & Helms Alee

JNR205_Goblin_Cock_art-640x640Goblin Cock-Necronomidonkeykongimicon
Genre: Stoner Rock, Sludge Metal
FFO: Pinback, Torche, Intronaut

Five years before Ghost and its band of ghouls swept the globe in popularity, San Diego heavy metal outfit Goblin Cook took a slightly less serious approach to an identical gimmick.

Rob Crowe of Pinback fame stars as Lord Phallus and features a cast of hooded unnamed instrumentalists. The band’s third LP showcases a bizarre yet well oiled marriage between Pinback‘s signature sound and the razor edge of Stoner and Sludge Metal.


a0635598021_10Helms Alee-Stillicide
Genre: Sludge Metal, Noise Rock, Post Hardcore
FFO: Baroness, Young Widows, Russian Circles

Seattle Sludge trio Helms Alee strike back with a fourth LP plunging further into the darkest of depths than every before.

Stillicide fills the gaps with captivating atmosphete, thunderous pounding riffage, and a powerful dual vocal performance from both Ben Verellen and Dana James.