Latest List (02/15/16)-Magrudergrind, Pinegrove


Genre: Grindcore, Powerviolence, Hardcore Punk
FFO: Agoraphobic Nosebleed, Dropdead, Napalm Death

It’s been seven years since Magrudergrind’s self titled LP and II picks up exactly where it left off.

There are no warnings or introductions to the chaotic adrenaline rush that is about to blast through your veins.

The latest record from the DC godfathers of grind is a collection of no-nonsense power violence tracks that will sonically plunge you into the darkest depths of the earth and will do anything in its power to prevent you from coming up for air until its abrupt completion.




Genre: Emo, Indie, Alternative Country
FFO: Wilco, Bright Eyes
Montclair, NJ’s Pinegrove is bringing a new genre to the kids with their Run For Cover debut Cardinal.

In the past, I have described the septet’s sound to be similar to the likes of what Bob Dylan’s music would sound like if he was born in the 90′s.

Cardinal boasts eight songs of solid Alternative Country tracks with enough of an emo/indie rock flavor to keep the fans of Wilco, Lucero, or Dawes equally as content as fans of Bright Eyes or Death Cab For Cutie.

It’s refreshing, emotionally, soulful, feel-good tracks with a twang that do anything but overstay it’s welcome.